In-Person Congress Meetings:
Tom Achenbach, PhD Sean Ackerman, MD Matthew Albaugh, PhD Rob Althoff, MD, PhD Merelise Ametti, MPH Shelli Avenevoli, PhD David Axelson, MD Randi Bennett, PhD Boris Birmaher, MD James Blair, PhD Margaret Briggs-Gowan Melissa Brotman, PhD Jeffrey Burke, PhD Brian Carlozzi Gabrielle Carlson, MD Bader Chaarani, PhD Bill Copeland, PhD Jane Costello, Nicholas D'Alberto, PhD Olivia Derella, PhD Christen Deveney, PhD Dan Dickstein, MD Lea Dougherty, PhD Megan Finsaas Jean Frazier, MD Andrew Freeman Hannah Frering Mary Fristad, PhD Hugh Garavan, PhD Sheina Godovich Adam Grabell, PhD Sarah Guth, MD Hannah Holbrook Lindsay Holly Jim Hudziak, MD Masha Ivanova, PhD Oliver Johnston Ellen Kessel Katharina Kircanski, PhD Dan Klein, PhD Fernanda Krieger Ellen Leibenluft, MD LaTasha Magee Jim McGough, MD, MS Eric Mick, ScD Leslie Miller, MD Kerry O'Loughlin Catherine Orr, PhD David Pagliaccio, PhD Francheska Perepletchikova, PhD Susan Perlman, PhD Alexi Potter, PhD Leslie Rescorla, PhD Baweja Raman, MD, MS David Rettew, MD Amy Roy, PhD David Rubin, MD Ted Satterthwaite, MD Karen Seymour, PhD Phil Spechler, PhD Joel Stoddard, MD, MAS Argyris Stringaris, MD, PhD Denis Sukhodolsky, PhD Pamela Swift, PhD Ken Towbin, MD Wan-Ling Tseng, PhD Anna Van Meter, PhD James Waxmonsky, MD Jillian Wiggins, PhD Andrea Young Ryan, PhD, MA |
Robert Althoff, MD, PhD Merelise Ametti , MA Shelli Avenevoli, PhD Nicholas Basalay, MD Emilie Bertschinger Joseph Blader, PhD James Blair, PhD Melissa Brotman, PhD Jeff Burke, PhD Maria Camacho, PhD Elise Cardinale, PhD Gabrielle Carlson, MD Bader Chaarani, PhD Olivia Derella, PhD Marike Deutz, PhD Christen Deveney, PhD Daniel Dickstein, MD Spencer Evans, PhD Courtney Filippi, PhD Prudence Fisher, PhD Hannah Frering Hugh Garavan, PhD Adam Grabell, PhD Simone Haller, PhD Hannah Holbrook, PhD James Hudziak, MD Soonjo Hwang, MD Masha Ivanova, PhD Oliver Johnston Ellen Kessel, PhD Katharina Kircanski, PhD Maria Kryza-Lacombe, PhD Ellen Leibenluft, MD Julia Linke, PhD Scott Mackey, PhD James McGough, MD, MS Leslie Miller, MD Kerry O'Loughlin, PhD Francheska Perepletchikova, PhD Susan Perlman, PhD Alexandra Potter, PhD Ari Romano-Verthelyi, PhD Amy Roy, PhD David Rubin, MD Qinxin Shi, PhD Philip Spechler, PhD Joel Stoddard, MD, MAS Kenneth Towbin, MD Wan-Ling Tseng, PhD Pablo Vidal-Ribas Belil, PhD Jillian Wiggins, PhD |
Matthew Albaugh, PhD Robert Althoff, MD, PhD Merelise Ametti, MA, MPH Shelli Avenevoli, PhD Joseph Blader, PhD James Blair , Ph.D. Melissa Brotman, PhD Jeffrey Burke, PhD Emilie Butler M. Catalina Camacho, PhD Gabrielle Carlson, MD Aamani Chava, MD Isaac Christian Katherine Corteselli, PhD Olivia Derella, PhD Christen Deveney, PhD Lea Dougherty, PhD Audrey Edelman Spencer Evans, PhD Kristina Foreman, MD Hannah Frering, MPH Stacia Friedman-Hill, PhD Simone Haller, PhD Sherelle Harmon, PhD, LCSW Marit Henriksen Elizabeth Hodgdon Christina Hogan James Hudziak, MD Soonjo Hwang, MD Masha Ivanova, PhD David Kennedy, PhD Margaux Kenwood, Ellen Kessel, PhD Katharina Kircanski, PhD Daniel Klein, PhD Maria Kryza-Lacombe, PhD Ellen Leibenluft, MD Arica Lerdahl Julia Linke, PhD Michael Liuzzi Erica Marden, MD Erica Musser, PhD Reut Naim-Aricha, PhD Francheska Perepletchikova, PhD Asia Perkins, MS Susan Perlman, PhD Diego Pizzagalli, PhD Alexi Potter, PhD David Rettew, MD Andrew Rosenfeld, MD Amy Roy, PhD David Rubin, MD Melanie Silverman Jill Stadterman, MA Joel Stoddard, MD, MAS Wan-Ling Tseng, PhD Pablo Vidal-Ribas, PhD Alecia Vogel, MD, PhD Jillian Wiggins, PhD Elizabeth Wolock Qiongru Yu, M.Ed |
McKay Allred, MD Robert Althoff, MD, PhD Sydney Anderson, BA Joy Arana, MSW Camille Archer, B.A., M.S. Raman Baweja, MD, MS Kelly Beck, PhD, MS Jonathan Borden, MD Melissa Brotan, PhD Elise Cardinale, PhD Kimberly Carpenter, PhD William Copeland, PhD Christen Deveney, Ph.D. Hailing Ding, BA James Edwards, MD Spencer Evans, PhD Hannah Frering, MPH Sherelle Harmon, PhD Logan Hegg, PsyD Alyssa Heilbrunn, BS, MSW Lauren Henry, PhD Michael Hernandez, MD John Herrington, PhD Emily Hirsch, PhD Soonjo Hwang, PhD Masha Ivanova, Ph.D. Manish Jha, MBBS Gihyun Kim, Mres Katharina Kircanski, PhD Jessica LaValley, MA Ellen Leibenluft, M.D. Carla Mazefsky, PhD Jennifer Meigs, B.A. Gwendolyn Messer, MD Kalina Michalska, Ph.D Eric Mick, ScD Massimiliano Orri, PhD Pippa Owens, MSW, PMHNP Alyssa Parker, Ph.D. Susan Perlman, PH.D. Milena Pondé, MD; PhD Annika Quam, BA Lilly Rizzo, MD Andrew Rosenfeld, MD Kelly Rosialda, B.A. Amy Roy, Ph.D. Giovanni Salum, MD, PhD Steven Schlozman, M.D. Madison Schulte, BA, MS Dhruv Shah, DO Shannon Shaughnessy, BA Jamilah Silver, BS, MA Emma Simons, B.S., B.A. Eve Spratt, MD Maya Strange, MD Denis Sukhodolsky, Ph.D. James Tallmadge, Ph.D. Wan-Ling Tseng, PhD James Waxmonsky, MD Cassandra Zephirin, M.Sc. |
Online Congress Meetings:
Yasmeen Abdul-Karim, MD Nakul Aggarwal, B.S. Jessica Agnew-Blais, PhD Matthew Albaugh, Ph.D. Robert Althoff, MD, PhD Merelise Ametti, MA, MPH Shelli Avenevoli , Ph.D Alexis Bailey, MD Raman Baweja, MD, MS Kelly Beck, PhD Christopher Bellonci, MD Tami Benton, MD Mary Billingsley, ELS Boris Birmaher, Professor of Psychiatry Joseph Blader, PhD James Blair, PhD Alexandra Bohn, Bachelor of Science Melissa Brotman, Ph.D Jeff Burke, Ph.D. Elise Cardinale, PhD Gabrielle Carlson, MD Kimberly Carpenter, PhD Aamani Chava, MD Emma Cho, B.S., B.A. Jaclyn Chua, DO Amanda Chue, Ph.D. Caitlin Conner, Ph.D. John Constantino, MD Tennyson Dahlman, Bachelor of Science Taylor Day, PhD Mariah DeSerisy, M.A. Marike Deutz, PhD Christen Deveney, Ph.D. Lena DeYoung, BS Daniel Dickstein, MD Lea Dougherty, PhD Neir Eshel, MD, PhD Spencer Evans, Ph.D. Erica Ferrara, B.A. Kristie Foreman, MD Jean Frazier, M.D. Gabrielle Freitag, B.A. Hannah Frering, MPH Stacia Friedman-Hill, PhD Mary Fristad, PhD Cathryn Galanter, MD Hugh Garavan, PhD Fred Garvey, B.A. Psychology Ruth Gerson, MD Hannah Grassie, Bachelors of Art Simone Haller, PhD Sherelle Harmon, PhD Jessica Hawks, PhD Emily Hirsch, M.A. Lizzie Hodgdon, Bachelor’s of Science, Master’s of Arts (in progress) Michael Hoffnung, DO James Hudziak, MD Leslie Hulvershorn, MD, MSc Soonjo Hwang, M.D. Masha Ivanova, PhD Gracie Jenkins, BS Emily Jones, Bachelor of Arts Sarah Karalunas, PhD Brooks Keeshin, MD David Kennedy, Ph.D. Sakshi Khurana, Ed.M. Prevention Science and Practice, M.A. Clinical Psychology, B.A. Psychology Katharina Kircanski, Ph.D. Daniel Klein, PhD Fernanda Krieger, MD, PhD Joshua Langfus, MA Cynthia LaRiviere, Ph.D. Ellen Leibenluft, MD Arica Lerdahl, BS Zheng Li, Ph.D Julia Linke, PhD Erica Marden, MD Carla Mazefsky, PhD Eva McAdam Freud, Psychology (BSc) Jack McClellan, MD James McGough, M.D., M.S. Haley McGowan, DO Avni Mehta, D.O. Eric Mick, Sc.D. Leslie Miller , MD Erica Musser, PhD Reut Naim-Aricha, PhD Laura Nelson, MD Katherine Niedt, MD Ashley Nielsen, BS in Bioengineering, PhD in Neurosciences Jessie Northrup, PhD David Pagliaccio, PhD Joseph Pepitone, MD, MS Francheska Perepletchikova, Ph.D Asia Perkins, B.A. Susan Perlman, Ph.D. Eliza Pillard, LICSW Milena Ponde, MD PHd Jonathan Posner, MD Alexandra Potter, Ph.D. David Rettew, MD Andrew Rosenfeld, MD Amy Roy, Ph.D. David Rubin, MD Inaiah Sampaio, Master Ted Satterthwaite, MD Dhruv Shah, DO Luisa Shiguemi Sugaya, MD Jamilah Silver, Bachelor of Science Melanie Silverman, M.A. Manpreet Singh, M.D. M.S. Ruth Singh, Masters in biophysics Angela Song, BA Michael Sorter, MD Jill Stadterman, M.A. Joel Stoddard, MD, MAS Maya Strange, MD Argyris Stringaris, MD, PhD Luisa Shiguemi Sugaya, MD Jiwoo Suk, Ph.D. Denis Sukhodolsky, Ph.D. James Tallmadge, Ph.D. Wan-Ling Tseng, PhD Ana Urena , PhD in Clinical Psychology Brigette Vaughan, MSN, APRN-BC, NP Pablo Vidal-Ribas, PhD Samantha Villavicencio, Psychology Alecia Vogel, MD, PhD James Waxmonsky, MD Melissa Wei, MA Jillian Wiggins, PhD Ellie Xu, Bachelor of Arts Marvin Yan, B.A. in Cognitive Science Ruiyu Yang, Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science Eric Youngstrom, PhD Qiongru Yu, M.Ed |
Robert Althoff, MD, PhD Merelise Ametti, MA, MPH Alexis Bailey, MD Christine Barthelemy Raman Baweja, MD, MS Raman Baweja, MD, MS Nellia Bellaert, BA, MSc in Neuropsychology Christopher Bellonci, MD Margaret Benda Mary Billingsley, ELS Boris Birmaher, MD Joseph Blader, PhD Melissa Brotman, PhD Berron Brown, Bachelor's of Psychology Nicolas Camacho, B.A., PhD in progress Elise Cardinale, PhD Amanda Caress Gabrielle Carlson, MD Kimberly Carpenter Aya Cheaito, MA Emma Cho Jaclyn Chua Caitlin Conner, Ph.D. Phoenix Crockett, MA Teaching, B.S. Psychology Christen Deveney, Ph.D. Daniel Dickstein, MD Kelly Dombek, MPS in Clinical Psychological Science, BA in Philosophy Lea Dougherty, PhD Ted Doykos, PhD Spencer Evans, Ph.D. Hannah Frering, MPH Stacia Friedman-Hill, PhD Mary Fristad, PhD Ruth Gerson, MD Simone Haller, PhD Sherelle Harmon, PhD, LCSW Jessica Hawks, PhD James Hudziak, MD Courtney Kaplan, B.A. Sarah Karalunas, PhD Sakshi Khurana, MA, EdM Katharina Kircanski, PhD Daniel Klein, PhD Joshua Langfus, MA Eileen Lee, Neuroscience Ellen Leibenluft, MD Zheng Li Julia Linke, PhD Leigha MacNeill, PhD Ajitha Mallidi, Psychology Carla Mazefsky, PhD Avni Mehta, DO Jennifer Meigs, B.A. in Psychology Leslie Miller, MD Maxime Munyeshyaka, Bachelor degree Erica Musser, PhD Maria Naclerio, BA Aijaz Naik, M.Phil., Ph.D., Reut Naim-Aricha, PhD Lynn Nguyen, B.A. Biochemistry Susan Perlman, Ph.D. Milena Ponde, MD, Phd David Rettew, MD Andrew Rosenfeld, MD Amy Roy, Ph.D. David Rubin, MD Ted Satterthwaite, MD Dhruv Shah, DO Shannon Shaughnessy, BA Jamilah Silver, B.S.; M.A Manpreet Singh, MD MS Leah Sorcher Michael Sorter, MD Joel Stoddard, MD, MAS Argyris Stringaris, MD, PhD Luisa Sugaya, MD Denis Sukhodolsky, Ph.D. Julianne Tirpak, Ph.D. Wan-Ling Tseng, PhD Fernanda Valle Krieger, MD; PHD Brigette Vaughan, MSN, APRN Pablo Vidal-Ribas, PhD Alecia Vogel-Hammen, MD, PhD Laura Wainer, MSN Johanna Walker, Cognitive Science, BA James Waxmonsky, MD Ellie Xu, B.A. Ruiyu Yang, BS & BA Eric Youngstrom, PhD Qiongru Yu, M.Ed Jodi Zik, MD |